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The UN Mapper of the month - July 2024

Submitted by michael.montani on

Our Mapper of the Month for July 2024 is Sami Skhab, a cartographer with extensive experience in GIS and Remote sensing from Tunisia. Passionate about using mapping for global good, Sami joined UN Mappers to support humanitarian projects. Sami finds fulfillment in knowing his work helps improve lives worldwide. Discover more about his journey in the full interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a cartographer with extensive experience in GIS and remote sensing. I am passionate about mapping and its potential to make a positive impact globally. My interest in humanitarian efforts led me to discover UN Mappers, where I found a meaningful way to contribute to humanitarian projects through mapping activities

How did you know about UN Mappers?
I first learned about UN Mappers through online forums discussing volunteer opportunities in humanitarian mapping. The organization's mission resonated deeply with me, and I eagerly joined to contribute my mapping skills for humanitarian causes.

When do you map? (Weekends, free time, in your working time?)
I dedicate my free time to mapping, often during weekends and evenings. It's a rewarding activity that allows me to contribute meaningfully while pursuing my passion for geography and technology.

Do you enjoy mapping? Why?
Mapping enables me to directly support humanitarian aid efforts and disaster response by providing accurate geographical data. The impact of my contributions on real-world projects motivates me to continue mapping diligently. I find fulfillment in knowing that my work helps improve lives and communities worldwide.

In which countries do you map the most?
I focus primarily on mapping projects in regions where humanitarian aid is crucial, including areas affected by natural disasters or conflict. These efforts often involve mapping remote or underserved locations to assist in emergency response and development initiatives.