Switching to PMTiles for Map-Based Web Apps
Erin Stein - Two Sigma (remote), Indraneel Purohit - Two Sigma (remote). Erin Stein is the Head of Operations at Data Clinic, Two Sigma�s pro bono data- and tech-for-good initiative. With nearly two decades of experience in the education and social impact sectors, Erin is passionate about cross-disciplinary collaborations empowered by technology to effectuate meaningful change. As a convener and community builder in data and tech for social impact, she co-chairs the Tech for Good Symposium, a network of data- and tech-for-good practitioners who are using their resources and skills to address issues in the communities where we live and work, and previously established and co-led the Data Funders Collaborative, a partnership and learning community of philanthropic organizations. Indraneel Purohit is a full stack engineer at Two Sigma Data Clinic, where he builds software for nonprofit partners and for open source. He has a passion for public-interest technology, spending his years prior to joining Two Sigma building open map data formats and tools for city governments, and data visualization tools for academics, citizens, and journalists fighting gerrymandering. Indraneel holds a BS in Computer Science from Rutgers University, and enjoys listening to and making music, and reading longform journalism.
This talk will cover using PMTiles for map-based web apps. PMTiles is a recently released single-file map data format optimized for cloud storage at the center of a set of map-based open source tools. This latest addition to the open source mapping ecosystem aligns with the UN Maps hybrid vision of geospatial technology